New Releases - Wednesday, March 26, 2025
The challenge: make a comic horror story that`s only ONE PAGE LONG. And boy, did some amazing folks take that on! Issue 43 will feature one-page horror yarns (all drawn by MORAZZO and O`HALLORAN) from: W. MAXWELL PRINCE, GRANT MORRISON, PATTON OSWALT, GEOFF JOHNS, KELLY SUE DeCONNICK, JEFF LEMIRE, MATT FRACTION, ZOE THOROGOOD and more! This could be a great jumping-on point if you haven`t been reading this horror anthology series.
#gocrecommends #galaxyofcomics #Georgeneedstotakeanewphoto

The Seasons #1
Sisters of famous detectives, Spring, Autumn, Summer, and Winter are all sisters. Through thick and thin they’ve been together for years and always have had each other’s backs. Though, one day, those bonds will be tested. Taken down one by one, and by nefarious people, no doubt, only one sister can save them. Can the youngest spring save her family and stop these dastardly foes? Read this Wednesday!
#gocrecommends #galaxyofcomics

Deadpool #10
In these times of uncertainty, Deadpool seems most appropriate, and Wade is back!!! Can Deadpool & Daughters work together? This is a turning point, and I am here for it, especially now. And Cody Ziglar is writing!!! Read along with me this week.
#gocrecommends #galaxyofcomics

Steve Trevor enters stage left, are we in for amore? And we find out just what Diana is up against, The Tetracide, a massive kaiju-like monster that she truly fears. The Tetracide`s name translates to "the four-killer", which is an allusion to its methods of death and destruction. These methods are death of fear, death of mind, death of body, and death of soul. Woo woo, here we go. Get in your holiday reading, this Thursday.

Only five more days of the 12 days of Christmas Sale left! Today, ALL statues are 25% off!
Which statue are you gonna get?
#12daysofchristmas #12daysofchristmassale #galaxyofcomicsevents

So, this just happened! @pattonoswalt just picked our name in the Brood LCS Giveaway!!! A huge THANK YOU goes out to Mr. Oswalt and all of our customers who got us entered!
We will be starting our own raffle today, along with our 12 Days of Christmas Sale, and giving away copies of the first issue of Brood, all signed, to 25 lucky customers! Come in and (maybe...hopefully) win!
#galaxyofcomicsevents @minorthreatsdh

New comics day! #PrincessPugsleyTheCat is asking wya?
#newcomicbookday #ncbd #newcomicbookwednesday #comics #comicbook #comicbooks #comicbooksforsale #comicbooks4sale #comicsforsale #comics4sale #comicsforkids #comicsforadults #comicbooknerd #comicbookfan #comicbookstore #comicbookstores #comicshop #comicshops #comiccollector #comicbooklover #shoplocal #shopsmall #supportsmallbusiness #galaxyofcomics
#igcomicfamily #igcomicbookfamily #igcomicbookcollector #igcomicbookcommunity

All Funko Pops are 50% OFF, today only, as part of our 12 Days of Christmas Sale! Come join #PrincessPugsleyTheCat (and #ShuritheBlackPanther too) and grab all the Pops you can carry!
#funkopop #funkopops #12daysofchristmas #12daysofchristmassale